
Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Sept. 2020 - May 2024
GPA: 3.88/4.0


Infstone, Beijing, CN
Aug. 2024 - Present
Software Developer

Wayfair, Boston, MA
Jul. 2022 - Dec. 2022
Software Engineer Co-Op, Resilience Operations Center

Projects (Typescript, Next.js, React)
Oct. 2023 - Present

This portfolio website showcases my intro, profile (education, work experience, projects), and a tech-focused blog section. A review section for books, movies, and games is planned.

Implemented with Next.js, utilizing Static-Site-Generation (SSG) for fast loading times and SEO optimization. GitHub Issues serves as a CMS, providing a seamless editing interface, easy image embedding, and a built-in label system for efficient blog post categorization, while eliminating the need for a traditional database.

GitHub Actions automate website updates when issues are created/deleted, streamlining content management.

Instant Messaging App (Python)
Apr. 2024

Chat client and server implemented with mutual authentication, providing perfect forward secrecy, hiding-from-server, integrity, and confidentiality for all communications. Implements Argon2id for password hashing, AES-GCM-256 for message encryption, and uses Diffie-Hellman key exchange and Otway-Rees protocol for key establishment.

Leverages Python's asyncio for efficient handling of multiple concurrent connections.

Developed as part of coursework to gain practical experience in network security.

Bluedit (Typescript, Next.js, React, MongoDB, Prisma)
Nov. 2023 - Dec. 2023

An online post-based forum developed with Next.js, maximizing its server-side rendering capabilities. Implements core Reddit-like features including user posts, comments, following, and post liking.

Served as a practical exercise in web development, focusing on mastering Next.js app router and server/client-side rendering concepts.

As Team Lead, coordinated team members and liaised with stakeholders.

File system (C, LibFUSE)
Dec. 2023

A FUSE filesystem driver that allows users to mount a 1MB disk image with support for all standard file/dir operations including file creation, listing, renaming, deletion, and editing.

Utilizes a single indirect pointer system, allowing for efficient file access and management within the 1MB disk image constraint.

Developed as an individual project to gain hands-on experience with low-level file system operations and FUSE implementation.